Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Can't always figure out what matters
and I can't figure out if that matters?
And for that matter not always sure
the difference between:
being a bad person and
being bad at being a person??

 Feelin' shitty about feelings of ill will
associated with my jealousy.
Dreamt that I ground down my teeth.
With my saliva,
the teeth dust mixed to form a paste.
Like mortar in between bricks,
 gluing my jaw shut.

 Thoughts about documentation
 and rejection of documentation
 of my own form?
Am I my own house guest?

 The other night on my way to the bar,
I stared into the brightness as a
police helicopter caught me in it's spotlight.
 Maybe it helps to remember that light bends
when it touches you,
how could you ever feel insignificant?